Israel Tours ISRAEL & HOLY LAND TOURS Select Type of Tour Please Select Type of TourChristian TourJewish TourGeneral Tour Invalid Input Select Tour Select Tour Invalid Input Select Month you wish to travel. Select MonthJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilJuneJulyAugust SeptemberOctober NovemberDecember Invalid Input AIR DETAILS Would you like to purchase round-trip air flights with your tour? (*) SelectYesNo Invalid Input If yes, please enter your departure airport preference: Please enter your preferred departure and return airport. If you have one, enter a 2nd departure airport preference: Please enter your preferred departure and return airport. PASSENGER INFORMATION Title Select TitleMr.Mrs.Ms.Dr.Rev.Fr.Ptr.Other Invalid Input First Name(*) Invalid Input Middle Name Invalid Input Last Name(*) Invalid Input Number of Passengers Select No. Passengers12345678910+ group request Please tell us the number of passengers interested in joining us in a Holy land travel tour. Select hotel category you would like to reserve: Select Hotel Category5 Star Deluxe Hotels4 Star First Class Hotels Invalid Input E-mail(*) Invalid email address. Contact Tel/Cell Number Invalid Input EXCURSIONS AND TOUR EXTENSIONS Would you like to book a pre or post-extension tour? SelectYesNo Invalid Input If yes, your interested in excursions to: Eilat Petra Luxor (Egypt, Jordan, Israel Tour)Abu-Simbel Day Tour (Egypt, Jordan, Israel Tour) Invalid Input With jet-lag and fatigue a possible downside to long flights, we recommend arriving in one day before your tour starts. This will help you rest, relax, and better adjust to the new time zone which will help you start your tour fresh. Would you like to arrive one day before tour?(*) SelectYesNo Invalid Input ADDITIONAL COMMENTS AND REQUESTS Comments Invalid Input Join our Newsletter E-mail Submit